ILRS Mission Priorities as of June 23, 2020
Priority | Mission | ILRS Name |
SIC | Sponsor | Altitude (km) |
Inclination (degrees) |
Comments |
1 | GRACE-FO-1/2 | gracefo1 gracefo2 |
1804701 1804702 |
0123 0124 |
NASA JPL and the German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) | 500 | 89 | 1-month campaign |
2 | ICESat-2 | icesat2 | 1807001 | 6873 | NASA | 496 | 92 | Restricted tracking; authorization required |
3 | CryoSat-2 | cryosat2 | 1001301 | 8006 | ESA | 450-720 | 92 | |
4 | PAZ | paz | 1802001 | 2501 | HISDESAT | 514 | 97.44 | |
5 | TanDEM-X | tandemx | 1003001 | 6202 | Infoterra/ DLR/GFZ/CSR | 514 | 98 | Tandem with TerraSAR-X |
6 | TerraSAR-X | terrasarx | 0702601 | 6201 | Infoterra/ DLR/GFZ/CSR | 514 | 97.44 | Tandem with TanDEM-X |
7 | SNET-4 | snet4 | 1801409 | 6207 | Technische Universität Berlin | 600 | 97.6 | |
8 | SNET-3 | snet3 | 1801408 | 6206 | Technische Universität Berlin | 600 | 97.6 | |
9 | SNET-2 | snet2 | 1801407 | 6205 | Technische Universität Berlin | 600 | 97.6 | |
10 | SNET-1 | snet1 | 1801410 | 6204 | Technische Universität Berlin | 600 | 97.6 | |
11 | TechnoSat | technosat | 1704205 | 6203 | Technische Universität Berlin | 600 | 97.6 - 97.9 degrees ±7.2 arcmin | 3-month campaign |
12 | STSAT-2C | stsat2c | 1300301 | 3804 | MEST, KAIST | 300 - 1500 | 80 | |
13 | Sentinel-3B | sentinel3b | 1803901 | 8011 | ESA/EUMETSAT | 814.5 | 98.65 | Restricted tracking; authorization required |
14 | Sentinel-3A | sentinel3a | 1601101 | 8010 | ESA/EUMETSAT | 814.5 | 98.65 | Restricted tracking; authorization required |
15 | Swarm-A/C | swarma swarmc |
1306702 1306703 |
8007 8009 |
ESA | 460 530 |
88.35 88.95 |
16 | Swarm-B | swarmb | 1306701 | 8008 | ESA | 460 | 88.35 | |
17 | KOMPSAT-5 | kompsat5 | 1304201 | 3803 | KARI | 550 | 96.7 | |
18 | SARAL | saral | 1300901 | 3201 | CNES and ISRO | 814 | 98.55 | |
19 | HY-2B | hy2b | 1808101 | 2208 | China | 971 | 98.55 | |
20 | HY-2A | hy2a | 1104301 | 2201 | China | 971 | 99.35 | |
21 | Jason-3 | jason3 | 1600201 | 4379 | NASA, CNES, Eumetsat, NOAA | 1,336 | 66.0 | |
22 | Geo-IK-2 | geoik2 | 1603401 | 5561 | JSC ISS | 943.5 - 973.5 | 99.47 | |
23 | Larets | larets | 0304206 | 5557 | IPIE | 691 | 98.204 | |
24 | Starlette | starlette | 7501001 | 1134 | CNES | 815-1,100 | 49.8 | |
25 | Stella | stella | 9306102 | 0643 | CNES | 815 | 98.6 | |
26 | LARES | lares | 1200601 | 5987 | ASI | 1,450 | 69.5 | |
27 | LAGEOS-2 | lageos2 | 9207002 | 5986 | ASI/NASA | 5,625 | 52.6 | |
28 | LAGEOS-1 | lageos1 | 7603901 | 1155 | NASA | 5,850 | 109.8 | |
29 | Etalon-1 | etalon1 | 8900103 | 0525 | Russia | 19,100 | 65.3 | |
30 | Etalon-2 | etalon2 | 8903903 | 4146 | Russia | 19,100 | 65.2 | |
31 | Ajisai | ajisai | 8606101 | 1500 | JAXA | 1,485 | 50 | |
32 | GLONASS-131 | glonass131 | 1301901 | 9131 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
33 | Galileo-102 | galileo102 | 1106002 | 7102 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
34 | BeiDou-3M2 | beidou3m2 | 1706902 | 2014 | China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center | 21,500 | 55 | |
35 | GLONASS-134 | glonass134 | 1407501 | 9134 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
36 | Galileo-202 | galileo202 | 1405002 | 7202 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
37 | BeiDou-3M3 | beidou3m3 | 1801802 | 2015 | China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center | 21,500 | 55 | |
38 | GLONASS-138 | glonass138 | 1805301 | 9138 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
39 | Galileo-209 | galileo209 | 1507901 | 7209 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
40 | BeiDou-3M9 | beidou3m9 | 1802901 | 2019 | China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center | 21,500 | 55 | |
41 | GLONASS-139 | glonass139 | 1808601 | 9139 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
42 | Galileo-210 | galileo210 | 1603002 | 7210 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
43 | BeiDou-3M10 | beidou3m10 | 1802902 | 2020 | China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center | 21,500 | 55 | |
44 | IRNSS-1B | irnss1b | 1401701 | 3302 | ISRO | 42,293 | 31 | |
45 | QZS-3 | qzs3 | 1704801 | 1583 | Cabinet Office, Government of Japan | 36,000 | 0 | |
46 | QZS-2 | qzs2 | 1702801 | 1582 | Cabinet Office, Government of Japan | 32,000-40,000 km | 45 | |
47 | QZS-4 | qzs4 | 1706201 | 1584 | Cabinet Office, Government of Japan | 32,000-40,000 km | 45 | |
48 | IRNSS-1I | irnss1i | 1803501 | 3309 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
49 | IRNSS-1F | irnss1f | 1601501 | 3306 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
50 | IRNSS-1E | irnss1e | 1600301 | 3305 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
51 | IRNSS-1D | irnss1d | 1501801 | 3304 | ISRO | 42,293 | 30.5 | |
52 | IRNSS-1C | irnss1c | 1406101 | 3303 | ISRO | 42,293 | 5 | |
53 | QZS-1 | qzs1 | 1004501 | 1581 | Cabinet Office, Government of Japan | 32,000-40,000 | 45 | |
54 | Beacon-C | beaconc | 6503201 | 0317 | NASA | 950-1300 | 41 |
Lunar Tracking Priorities
Priority | Retroreflector Array | ILRS Name |
SIC | Sponsor | Altitude(km) |
1 | Apollo15 | apollo15 | 0000103 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
2 | Apollo11 | apollo11 | 0000100 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
3 | Apollo14 | apollo14 | 0000102 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
4 | Luna21 | luna21 | 0000101 | N/A | Russian Federation | 356,400 |
5 | Luna17 | luna17 | 0000104 | N/A | Russian Federation | 356,400 |