Missions Supported by Laser Ranging
Geodetic Satellites

Remote Sensing Missions

Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)

Experimental Satellites

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The journal article full citation is:
Altamimi, Z., Rebischung, P., Collilieux, X., Métivier L., Chanard K. (2023). "ITRF2020: an augmented reference frame refining the modeling of nonlinear station motions". Journal of Geodesy, 97, 47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00190-023-01738-w
The SLR contribution to ITRF2020 consists of 244 fortnightly SINEX solutions for 1983.0—1993.0, based on LAGEOS-1, and 1459 weekly solutions afterwards based on the LAGEOS 1 & 2 and ETALON 1 & 2 satellites. The paper acknowledges the contributions of the Geodetic Observatories and stations, the funding agencies, mapping agencies and space agencies that support space geodesy, and the IAG technique services (including the ILRS) for their contributions.
Clément Courde
Julien Chabé
The new map will aid studies of marine tectonics, geology, ecology and ocean mixing.
This discovery was supported by Precise Orbit Determination (POD), including Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), and DORIS for Jason-1, Envisat, CryoSat-2, and Saral/ALtiKa whose altimeter data contributed to the results of this new study.