ILRS Mission Priorities as of April 19, 2017
The ILRS has ordered its tracking priority list according to satellite orbital parameters and special project needs.Tracking priorities have been ordered as follows:
- Priorities decrease with:
- increasing orbital altitude; and
- increasing orbital inclination (at a given altitude).
- Priority of some satellites may then be increased to intensify support for:
- active missions (such as altimetry);
- special campaigns (such as IGEX 98); or
- post-launch intensive tracking phases; and
- Some slight reordering may be done to give higher priority missions with increased importance to the analysis community.
Stations may adjust priorities to accommodate local conditions such as system capabilities, weather, and special program interests.
Satellite sponsors request for tandem mission, satellites be tracked on alternate passes.
Related Links:
Current Priority Table (Past Priority Tables)
Priority | Mission | ILRS Name |
SIC | Sponsor | Altitude (km) |
Inclination (degrees) |
Comments |
1 | GRACE-A/B | gracea graceb |
0201201 0201202 |
8003 8004 |
GFZ/JPL | 485-500 | 89 | Tandem mission |
2 | PN-1A | pn1a | 1504905 | 2203 | BACC | 720 | 97.47 | |
3 | CryoSat-2 | cryosat2 | 1001301 | 8006 | ESA | 450-120 | 92 | |
4 | TanDEM-X | tandemx | 1003001 | 6202 | Infoterra/ DLR/GFZ/CSR | 514 | 98 | Tandem with TerraSAR-X |
5 | TerraSAR-X | terrasarx | 0702601 | 6201 | Infoterra/ DLR/GFZ/CSR | 514 | 97.44 | Tandem with TanDEM-X |
6 | STSAT-2C | stsat2c | 1300301 | 3804 | MEST, KAIST | 300 - 1500 | 80 | |
7 | Sentinel-3A | sentinel3a | 1601101 | 8010 | ESA/EUMETSAT | 814.5 | 98.65 | Restricted tracking; authorization required |
8 | Swarm-A/C | swarma swarmc |
1306702 1306703 |
8007 8009 |
ESA | 460 530 |
88.35 88.95 |
9 | Swarm-B | swarmb | 1306701 | 8008 | ESA | 460 | 88.35 | |
10 | KOMPSAT-5 | kompsat5 | 1304201 | 3803 | KARI | 550 | 96.7 | |
11 | RadioAstron | radioastro | 1103701 | 5559 | Lavochkin Association | 500-350,000 | 51.4 | Campaign tracking with specific stations |
12 | SARAL | saral | 1300901 | 3201 | CNES and ISRO | 814 | 98.55 | |
13 | HY-2A | hy2a | 1104301 | 2201 | China | 971 | 99.35 | |
14 | Jason-3 | jason3 | 1600201 | 4379 | NASA, CNES, Eumetsat, NOAA | 1,336 | 66.0 | |
15 | Jason-2 | jason2 | 0803201 | 1025 | NASA, CNES, Eumetsat, NOAA | 1,336 | 66.0 | |
16 | Larets | larets | 0304206 | 5557 | IPIE | 691 | 98.204 | |
17 | Starlette | starlette | 7501001 | 1134 | CNES | 815-1,100 | 49.8 | |
18 | Stella | stella | 9306102 | 0643 | CNES | 815 | 98.6 | |
19 | LARES | lares | 1200601 | 5987 | ASI | 1,450 | 69.5 | |
20 | LAGEOS-2 | lageos2 | 9207002 | 5986 | ASI/NASA | 5,625 | 52.6 | |
21 | LAGEOS-1 | lageos1 | 7603901 | 1155 | NASA | 5,850 | 109.8 | |
22 | Etalon-1 | etalon1 | 8900103 | 0525 | Russia | 19,100 | 65.3 | |
23 | Etalon-2 | etalon2 | 8903903 | 4146 | Russia | 19,100 | 65.2 | |
24 | Ajisai | ajisai | 8606101 | 1500 | JAXA | 1,485 | 50 | |
25 | GLONASS-131 | glonass131 | 1301901 | 9131 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
26 | GLONASS-134 | glonass134 | 1407501 | 9134 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
27 | GLONASS-136 | glonass136 | 1603201 | 9136 | Russia | 19,140 | 65 | |
28 | Galileo-212 | galileo212 | 1606902 | 7212 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
29 | Galileo-213 | galileo213 | 1606903 | 7213 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
30 | Galileo-202 | galileo202 | 1405002 | 7202 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
31 | Galileo-201 | galileo201 | 1405001 | 7201 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
32 | COMPASS-M3 | compassm3 | 1201801 | 2004 | China | 21,528 | 55.0 | |
33 | COMPASS-MS1 | compassms1 | 1503702 | 2007 | China | 21,528 | 55.0 | |
34 | COMPASS-MS2 | compassms2 | 1503701 | 2008 | China | 21,528 | 55.0 | |
35 | GLONASS-123 | glonass123 | 1004102 | 9123 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
36 | GLONASS-125 | glonass125 | 1100901 | 9125 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
37 | GLONASS-128 | glonass128 | 1106401 | 9128 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
38 | Galileo-102 | galileo102 | 1106002 | 7102 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
39 | Galileo-103 | galileo103 | 1205501 | 7103 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
40 | Galileo-203 | galileo203 | 1501701 | 7203 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
41 | Galileo-205 | galileo205 | 1504501 | 7205 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
42 | Galileo-208 | galileo208 | 1507902 | 7208 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
43 | COMPASS-I6B | compassib6 | 1602101 | 2012 | China | 35,677 | 55.0 | |
44 | COMPASS-IS1 | compassis1 | 1501901 | 2006 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
45 | COMPASS-IS2 | compassis2 | 1505301 | 2010 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
46 | COMPASS-G1 | compassg1 | 1000101 | 2002 | China | 35,792.9 | 1.53 | |
47 | GLONASS-129 | glonass129 | 1106402 | 9129 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
48 | GLONASS-133 | glonass133 | 1403201 | 9133 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
49 | IRNSS-1F | irnss1f | 1601501 | 3306 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
50 | IRNSS-1E | irnss1e | 1600301 | 3305 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
51 | IRNSS-1D | irnss1d | 1501801 | 3304 | ISRO | 42,293 | 30.5 | |
52 | IRNSS-1C | irnss1c | 1406101 | 3303 | ISRO | 42,293 | 5 | |
53 | IRNSS-1B | irnss1b | 1401701 | 3302 | ISRO | 42,293 | 31 | |
54 | QZS-1 | qzs1 | 1004501 | 1581 | JAXA | 32,000-40,000 | 45 | WPLTN tracking only |
55 | Galileo-101 | galileo101 | 1106001 | 7101 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
56 | Galileo-104 | galileo104 | 1205502 | 7104 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
57 | Galileo-204 | galileo204 | 1501702 | 7204 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
58 | COMPASS-I3 | compassi3 | 1101301 | 2003 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
59 | COMPASS-I5 | compassi5 | 1107301 | 2005 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
60 | Galileo-206 | galileo206 | 1504502 | 7206 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
61 | Galileo-207 | galileo207 | 1606901 | 7207 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
62 | Galileo-209 | galileo209 | 1507901 | 7209 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
63 | Galileo-210 | galileo210 | 1603002 | 7210 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
64 | Galileo-211 | galileo211 | 1603001 | 7211 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
65 | Galileo-214 | galileo214 | 1606904 | 7214 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
66 | Beacon-C | beaconc | 6503201 | 0317 | NASA | 950-1300 | 41 | Upgraded from a campaign
to ongoing mission (Jan 2002) |
Lunar Tracking Priorities
Priority | Retroreflector Array | ILRS Name |
SIC | Sponsor | Altitude(km) |
1 | Apollo15 | apollo15 | 0000103 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
2 | Apollo11 | apollo11 | 0000100 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
3 | Apollo14 | apollo14 | 0000102 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
4 | Luna21 | luna21 | 0000101 | N/A | Russian Federation | 356,400 |
5 | Luna17 | luna17 | 0000104 | N/A | Russian Federation | 356,400 |