ILRS Mission Priorities as of July 04, 2016
Priority | Mission | ILRS Name |
SIC | Sponsor | Altitude (km) |
Inclination (degrees) |
Comments |
1 | GRACE-A/B | gracea graceb |
0201201 0201202 |
8003 8004 |
GFZ/JPL | 485-500 | 89 | Tandem mission |
2 | SpinSat | spinsat | 9806714* | 1076 | NRL | 425 | 51.6 | |
3 | PN-1A | pn1a | 1504905 | 2203 | BACC | 720 | 97.47 | |
4 | CryoSat-2 | cryosat2 | 1001301 | 8006 | ESA | 450-120 | 92 | |
5 | TanDEM-X | tandemx | 1003001 | 6202 | Infoterra/ DLR/GFZ/CSR | 514 | 98 | Tandem with TerraSAR-X |
6 | TerraSAR-X | terrasarx | 0702601 | 6201 | Infoterra/ DLR/GFZ/CSR | 514 | 97.44 | Tandem with TanDEM-X |
7 | STSAT-2C | stsat2c | 1300301 | 3804 | MEST, KAIST | 300 - 1500 | 80 | |
8 | Swarm-A/B | swarma swarmb |
1306702 1306701 |
8007 8008 |
ESA | 460 | 88.35 | |
9 | Swarm-C | swarmc | 1306703 | 8009 | ESA | 530 | 88.95 | |
10 | KOMPSAT-5 | kompsat5 | 1304201 | 3803 | KARI | 550 | 96.7 | |
11 | RadioAstron | radioastro | 1103701 | 5559 | Lavochkin Association | 500-350,000 | 51.4 | Campaign tracking with specific stations |
12 | Sentinel-3A | sentinel3a | 1601101 | 8010 | ESA/EUMETSAT | 814.5 | 98.65 | Restricted tracking |
13 | SARAL | saral | 1300901 | 3201 | CNES and ISRO | 814 | 98.55 | |
14 | HY-2A | hy2a | 1104301 | 2201 | China | 971 | 99.35 | |
15 | Jason-3 | jason3 | 1600201 | 4379 | NASA, CNES, Eumetsat, NOAA | 1,336 | 66.0 | |
16 | Jason-2 | jason2 | 0803201 | 1025 | NASA, CNES, Eumetsat, NOAA | 1,336 | 66.0 | |
17 | Larets | larets | 0304206 | 5557 | IPIE | 691 | 98.204 | |
18 | Starlette | starlette | 7501001 | 1134 | CNES | 815-1,100 | 49.8 | |
19 | Stella | stella | 9306102 | 0643 | CNES | 815 | 98.6 | |
20 | LARES | lares | 1200601 | 5987 | ASI | 1,450 | 69.5 | |
21 | LAGEOS-2 | lageos2 | 9207002 | 5986 | ASI/NASA | 5,625 | 52.6 | |
22 | LAGEOS-1 | lageos1 | 7603901 | 1155 | NASA | 5,850 | 109.8 | |
23 | Etalon-1 | etalon1 | 8900103 | 0525 | Russia | 19,100 | 65.3 | |
24 | Etalon-2 | etalon2 | 8903903 | 4146 | Russia | 19,100 | 65.2 | |
25 | Ajisai | ajisai | 8606101 | 1500 | JAXA | 1,485 | 50 | |
26 | Galileo-210 | galileo210 | 1603002 | 7210 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
27 | Galileo-211 | galileo211 | 1603001 | 7211 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
28 | Galileo-104 | galileo104 | 1205502 | 7104 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
29 | Galileo-201 | galileo201 | 1405001 | 7201 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
30 | Galileo-202 | galileo202 | 1405002 | 7202 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
31 | GLONASS-123 | glonass123 | 1004102 | 9123 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
32 | GLONASS-125 | glonass125 | 1100901 | 9125 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
33 | GLONASS-128 | glonass128 | 1106401 | 9128 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
34 | GLONASS-129 | glonass129 | 1106402 | 9129 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
35 | GLONASS-133 | glonass133 | 1403201 | 9133 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
36 | GLONASS-134 | glonass134 | 1407501 | 9134 | Russia | 19,100 | 65 | |
37 | Galileo-203 | galileo203 | 1501701 | 7203 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
38 | Galileo-204 | galileo204 | 1501702 | 7204 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
39 | Galileo-205 | galileo205 | 1504501 | 7205 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
40 | Galileo-206 | galileo206 | 1504502 | 7206 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
41 | Galileo-208 | galileo208 | 1507902 | 7208 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
42 | Galileo-209 | galileo209 | 1507901 | 7209 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
43 | Galileo-101 | galileo101 | 1106001 | 7101 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
44 | Galileo-102 | galileo102 | 1106002 | 7102 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
45 | Galileo-103 | galileo103 | 1205501 | 7103 | ESA | 23,220 | 56 | |
46 | COMPASS-I6B | compassib6 | 1602101 | 2012 | China | 55.0 | ||
47 | COMPASS-MS1 | compassms1 | 1503702 | 2007 | China | 21,528 | 55.0 | |
48 | COMPASS-MS2 | compassms2 | 1503701 | 2008 | China | 21,528 | 55.0 | |
49 | COMPASS-M3 | compassm3 | 1201801 | 2004 | China | 21,528 | 55.0 | |
50 | IRNSS-1F | irnss1f | 1601501 | 3306 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
51 | IRNSS-1E | irnss1e | 1600301 | 3305 | ISRO | 35,786 | 29 | |
52 | IRNSS-1D | irnss1d | 1501801 | 3304 | ISRO | 42,293 | 30.5 | |
53 | IRNSS-1C | irnss1c | 1406101 | 3303 | ISRO | 42,293 | 5 | |
54 | IRNSS-1B | irnss1b | 1401701 | 3302 | ISRO | 42,293 | 31 | |
55 | IRNSS-1A | irnss1a | 1303401 | 3301 | ISRO | 42,293 | 29 | |
56 | QZS-1 | qzs1 | 1004501 | 1581 | JAXA | 32,000-40,000 | 45 | WPLTN tracking only |
57 | Beacon-C | beaconc | 6503201 | 0317 | NASA | 950-1300 | 41 | Upgraded from a campaign
to ongoing mission (Jan 2002) |
58 | COMPASS-IS1 | compassis1 | 1501901 | 2006 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
59 | COMPASS-IS2 | compassis21 | 1505301 | 2010 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
60 | COMPASS-I3 | compassi3 | 1101301 | 2003 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
61 | COMPASS-I5 | compassi5 | 1107301 | 2005 | China | 35,790.2 | 55.6 | |
62 | COMPASS-G1 | compassg1 | 1000101 | 2002 | China | 35,792.9 | 1.53 |
*Note: Since the satellite was deployed from the ISS, the alphanumeric COSPAR ID for SpinSat is 1998-067FL. Due to the 7-digit restriction for numeric translation of the COSPAR ID for the ILRS, the last two digits of the ID were designated as the year of the satellite's deployment (the ILRS will not be tasked to support any additional targets deployed from the ISS in 2014). Therefore the ILRS COSPAR ID has been set to 9806714.
Lunar Tracking Priorities
Priority | Retroreflector Array | ILRS Name |
SIC | Sponsor | Altitude(km) |
1 | Apollo15 | apollo15 | 0000103 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
2 | Apollo11 | apollo11 | 0000100 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
3 | Apollo14 | apollo14 | 0000102 | N/A | NASA | 356,400 |
4 | Luna21 | luna21 | 0000101 | N/A | Russian Federation | 356,400 |
5 | Luna17 | luna17 | 0000104 | N/A | Russian Federation | 356,400 |