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Jump to: Mission Objectives, Mission Parameters, Additional Information

Mission Images:

TUBIN satellite
Image courtesy of Institut für Luft- und Raumfahrt

Mission Objectives:

The objective of the TUBIN mission is the demonstration of uncooled TIR sensors based on microbolometer technology for the detection of high-temperature events and demonstration of the TUBiX20-platform for performing challenging Earth-observation tasks

Mission Parameters:
Sponsor: Technische Universität Berlin
Expected Life: 1 year
Primary Applications: Technology demonstration
COSPAR ID: 2105922
SIC Code: 6208
NORAD SSC Code: 48900
Launch Date: June 30, 2021
RRA Size:  
RRA Shape:  
Size of Reflector: 10 mm diameter, 7.5 mm height
Orbital period: 95 minutes
Inclination: 97.4 degrees
Altitude: 522 - 536 km
Eccentricity: 0.0022


Related Information:
  • Jonglez C, Bartholomaus J., Werner P., and Stoll E. (2023)."Initial Tracking, Fast Identification in a Swarm and Combined SLR and GNSS Orbit Determination of the TUBIN Small Satellite", Aerospace, 9(12), 793, doi: 10.3390/aerospace9120793