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Mission Photos:

SOHLA-1 Satellite
SOHLA-1 (Courtesy of JAXA)

Mission Objectives:

SOHLA-1 is a technical demonstration satellite developed by local SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) with technical support of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Osaka Prefecture University. Development was initiated by SOHLA, the Space Oriented Higashiosaka Leading Association. The main objective of SOHLA-1 is to acquire and to accumulate various technologies for small satellite development. Another mission of SOHLA-1 is on-orbit demonstration of several new technologies such as the VHF lightning impulse measurement . SLR will be used for the calibration of GPS-based satellite positioning. The micro GPS receiver used in this mission has been developed by JAXA based on COTS automobile navigation technology.

Mission Instrumentation:

SOHLA-1 has the following scientific instruments:

  • GPS receiver
  • Laser retroreflector array
SOHLA-1 Mission Parameters:
Sponsor: JAXA
Expected Life: 1 year
Primary Applications: Technology demonstration
Primary SLR Applications: Calibration of GPS orbits
COSPAR ID: 0900205
SIC Code: 1580
Satellite Catalog (NORAD) Number: 33496
Launch Date: 23-Jan-2009
NP Bin Size: 5 seconds
RRA Diameter: 16 cm
RRA Shape: hexagonal
Reflectors: 12 corner cubes
Altitude: 666 km
Inclination: 98.06 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.001
Orbital Period: 1.6 hours

Additional Information:

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