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Jump to: Mission Objectives, Mission Instrumentation, Mission Parameters, Additional Information

Mission Photos:

PN-1A satellite PN-1B, PN-1C and PN-1D satellites
APOD satellite conceptual drawings
Courtesy of Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC).
Mission Objectives:

APOD (Atmospheric density Detection and Precise Orbit Determination) experimental satellites is an initiative project of China aiming at precise orbit determination and thermosphere density detection, which are designed and manufactured by DFH satellite Co. Ltd (DFH), and managed by Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC).

The main objectives of the APOD satellites are:

  • Precise orbit determination with GNSS, SLR and VLBI
  • Thermospheric density in-situ detection, and empirical density model calibration

APOD, consisting of 1 Nano satellite with the mass of 15kg and 3 identical Pico satellites (PN-1B, -1C,-1D) with the mass of 5 kg, will be launched in September, 2015 (UTC) at 530 km altitude in a near-circular orbit with an inclination of 97.4°.After commissioning, the nano-satellite (PN-1A) will thrust to 450 km.

Mission Instrumentation:

APOD will have the following components:

  • Interior payload:
    • MEMS Multi-Mode Dual-Frequency GNSS Receiver (Nano, Pico)
    • Atmospheric density Detector (Nano)
    • Laser Retro-reflector (Nano, Pico)
    • S/X VLBI Beacon (Nano)
Mission Parameters:
Expected Life: 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year
Primary Applications: Precise orbit determination Precise orbit determination Precise orbit determination Precise orbit determination
COSPAR ID: 1504905      
SIC Code: 2203      
Satellite Catalog (NORAD) Number: 40903      
Launch Date: September 19, 2015 September 19, 2015 September 19, 2015 September 19, 2015
RRA Size:        
RRA Shape: Octagonal Dispersion, Separated Dispersion, Separated Dispersion, Separated
Reflectors: 12 corner cubes 15 corner cubes 15 corner cubes 15 corner cubes
Size of Reflector: Circular, 13.6mm diameter, 10.0mm height Circular, 10mm diameter, 9.5mm height Circular, 10mm diameter, 9.5mm height Circular, 10mm diameter, 9.5mm height
Orbit: near-circular near-circular near-circular near-circular
Orbital period:        
Inclination: 97.47 degrees 97.47 degrees 97.47 degrees 97.47 degrees
Altitude: 450Km-120Km
continually decreases with time.
continually decreases with time.
continually decreases with time.
continually decreases with time.
Eccentricity: 0 0 0 0


Additional Information: