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Jump to: Mission Objectives, Mission Instrumentation, Mission Parameters, Additional Information

Mission Photos:

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Mission Objectives:

Scientific objectives of the satellite NXD-1-SLAG (Satellite Laser for Astronomy and Geodesy) include: (1) Realizing and demostrating the LRA distribution for small spherical satellite to obtain high precision measurements. (2) Improving the origin of the earth reference frame and earth rotation parameters (ERP) by combining existing satellite laser ranging missions observations. (3) Estimating low-degree time-varying gravity field and thermospheric air mass density variations.

Mission Parameters:
Satellite NXD-1-SLAG
Sponsor: Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Expected Life: 3 years
Primary Applications: High precision measurements, improve earth reference frame and earth rotation parameters (ERP), estimating low-degree time-varying gravity field and thermospheric air mass density variations
Primary SLR Applications: POD, ERP and air mass density in thermospheric layer
SIC Code: 2210
Satellite Catalog (NORAD) Number:  
Launch Date: March, 2021
NP Bin Size: 5 seconds
RRA Dimensions: diameter: 28.4mm, height: 22mm
RRA Shape: spherical
Altitude: 450 km
Inclination: 97 degrees
Orbit: Circular
Orbital Period: 93 min
Eccentricity: 0

Additional Information:
