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Mission Photos:

COMPASS-M1 Satellite
COMPASS (Courtesy of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)

Mission Objectives:

The Compass Navigation Satellite Experimental System is a satellite constellation developed by the Chinese Defense Ministry. The system, also known as BeiDou, is the first space-based regional navigation and positioning network developed by China. COMPASS provides all-weather, two-dimensional positioning data for both military and civilian users. The system has both navigation and communication capabilities and spans most areas of the East Asia region. The satellite network consists of four BeiDou-1 satellites launched in 2000, 2003, and 2007 in geostationary orbit; a fifth satellite, COMPASS-M1, was launched in MEO in April 2007. Additional satellites in the COMPASS constellation have been launched in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015. In 2023, 20 more BeiDou-3M series satellites were added.

BeiDou/COMPASS Mission Parameters:
Sponsor: Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 13-Apr-2007 29-Apr-2012 25-Jul-2015 25-Jul-2015 01-Feb-2016
COSPAR ID: 0701101 1201801 1503702 1503701 1600601
SIC: 2001 2004 2007 2008 2011
NORAD: 31115 38250 40749 40748 41315
PRN: C30 C11      
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter:          
RRA Shape: Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Inclination: 55.5 degrees 55.0 degrees 55 55 55
Eccentricity: 0.00068 0.0025 0 0 0
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773.39 min 773.39 min 773.39 min 773.39 min 773.39 min
Mass: 2,200 kg        
Sponsor: Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 10-Apr-2011 27-July-2011 01-Dec-2011 29-Mar-2016 30-Mar-2015
COSPAR ID: 1101301 1103801 1107301 1602101 1501901
SIC: 2003 2009 2005 2012 2006
NORAD: 37384 37763 37948 41434 40549
PRN:         C06
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter:          
RRA Shape: Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal
Reflectors: 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes
Inclination: 55.6 degrees 55.6 degrees 55.6 degrees 55.6 degrees 55.6 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0023 0.0023 0.0023 0.0023 0.0023
Perigee: 37,790.2 km 35,790 km 37,790.2 km 35,677 km 37,790.2 km
Period: 1436 min 1436 min 1436 min 1436 min 1436 min
Mass: 2,200 kg   2,200 kg 2,200 kg 2,200 kg
Sponsor: Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry Chinese Defense Ministry
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 10 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 29-Sep-2015 17-Jan-2010 17-May-2019
COSPAR ID: 1505301 1000101 1902701
SIC: 2010 2002 2037
NORAD: 40938 36287 44231
PRN: C07 C01 C01
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter:      
RRA Shape: Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal
Reflectors: 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes 90 corner cubes
Inclination: 55.6 degrees 1.53 degrees 1.59 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0023 0.00018 0.00092
Perigee: 37,790.2 km 35,792.9 km 35,769 km
Period: 1436 min 1,436 min 1,436 min
Mass: 2,200 kg 1,500.0 kg 1,500.0 kg
  BeiDou-3M1 BeiDou-3M2 BeiDou-3M3 BeiDou-3M4
Sponsor: China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center
Expected Life: 8 years 8 years 8 years 8 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 05-Nov-2017 05-Nov-2017 12-Feb-2018 12-Feb-2018
COSPAR ID: 1706901 1706902 1801802 1801801
SIC: 2013 2014 2015 2016
NORAD: 43001 43002 43208 43207
PRN: C19 C20 C21 C22
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter:        
RRA Shape: Planar Planar Planar Planar
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Orbit: MEO MEO  
Inclination: 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0012 0.0012 0.0000945 0.0000945
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773 min 773 min 773 min 773 min
Mass: 943.0 kg 942.0 kg 1018.0 kg 1014.4 kg
  BeiDou-3M5 BeiDou-3M6 BeiDou-3M7 BeiDou-3M8
Sponsor: China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center
Expected Life: 8 years 8 years 8 years 8 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 12-Feb-2018 12-Feb-2018 29-Mar-2018 29-Mar-2018
COSPAR ID: 1806201 1806202 1800301 1800302
SIC: 2017 2018 2021 2022
NORAD: 43581 43582 43107 43108
PRN: C23 C24 C27 C28
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter:        
RRA Shape: Planar Planar Planar Planar
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Orbit: MEO MEO  
Inclination: 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0012 0.0012 0.0000945 0.0000945
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773 min 773 min 773 min 773 min
Mass: 941.0 kg 942.0 kg 1010.4 kg 1008.6 kg
  BeiDou-3M9 BeiDou-3M10 BeiDou-3M11 BeiDou-3M12
Sponsor: China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 29-Jul-2018 29-Jul-2018 24-Aug-2018 24-Aug-2018
COSPAR ID: 1802901 1802902 1806702 1806701
SIC: 2019 2020 2023 2024
NORAD: 43245 43246 43603 43602
PRN: C29 C30 C25 C26
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
RRA Shape: Planar Planar Planar Planar
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Inclination: 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773 min 773 min 773 min 773 min
Mass: 945.0 kg 946.0 kg 1041.8 kg 1043.3 kg
  BeiDou-3M13 BeiDou-3M14 BeiDou-3M15 BeiDou-3M16
Sponsor: China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 19-Sep-2018 19-Sep-2018 15-Oct-2018 15-Oct-2018
COSPAR ID: 1807201 1807202 1807802 1807801
SIC: 2025 2026 2027 2028
NORAD: 43622 43623 43648 43647
PRN: C32 C33 C34 C35
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
RRA Shape: Planar Planar Planar Planar
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Inclination: 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773 min 773 min 773 min 773 min
Mass: 1007.0 kg 1007.0 kg 1045.0 kg 1046.6 kg
  BeiDou-3M17 BeiDou-3M18 BeiDou-3M19 BeiDou-3M20
Sponsor: China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 18-Nov-2018 18-Nov-2018 16-Dec-2018 16-Dec-2018
COSPAR ID: 1809301 1809302 1909001 1909002
SIC: 2029 2030 2031 2032
NORAD: 43706 43707 44864 44865
PRN: C36 C37 C41 C42
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
RRA Shape: Planar Planar Planar Planar
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Inclination: 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773 min 773 min 773 min 773 min
Mass: 1061.0 kg 1061.0 kg 1059.0 kg 1059.0 kg
  BeiDou-3M21 BeiDou-3M22 BeiDou-3M23 BeiDou-3M24
Sponsor: China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center China Satellite Navigation Engineering Center
Expected Life: 3 years 3 years 3 years 3 years
Primary Applications: Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning
Primary SLR Application: Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination Precision orbit determination
Launch Date: 23-Nov-2019 23-Nov-2019 22-Sep-2019 22-Sep-2019
COSPAR ID: 1907802 1907801 1906102 1906101
SIC: 2033 2034 2035 2036
NORAD: 44794 44793 44543 44542
PRN: C43 C44 C45 C46
NP Bin Size: 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds
RRA Diameter: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
RRA Shape: Planar Planar Planar Planar
Reflectors: 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes 42 corner cubes
Inclination: 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees 55 degrees
Eccentricity: 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554 0.0004554
Perigee: 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km 21,500 km
Period: 773 min 773 min 773 min 773 min
Mass: 1075.4 kg 1078.8 kg 1058.0 kg 1059.0 kg
Additional Information:

Web sites:

Satellite Metadata:


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  • Zajdel R, Nowak A., Sośnica K. (2024). “Satellite laser ranging to BeiDou-3 satellites: initial performance and contribution to orbit model improvement”, GPS Solutions, 28(3), doi: 10.1007/s10291-024-01638-2
  • Zhang ZP., Zhang HF., Chen WZ et al. (2014). “Design and performances of laser retro-reflector arrays for Beidou navigation satellites and SLR observations”, Adv. Space Res., 54(5), 811–817, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2013.12.025