SLR Global Performance Report Card

October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011

The performance report card is divided into three tables for readability. Table 1 contains performance parameters based on data volume, on-site processing statistics and operational compliance issues. Table 1 L contains information about Lunar Laser Ranging during the past year. Table 2 contains performance parameters based on various Analysis Centers' rapid orbital analysis results.

Below are the detailed descriptions of each column in Table 1 plots of the columns are linked in this description and in Table 1:

  • Column 1 is the station location name.
  • Column 2 is the monument marker number.
  • Column 3 is the LEO pass total during the past 12 months.
  • Column 4 is the LAGEOS pass total during the past 12 months.
  • Column 5 is the high satellite pass total during the past 12 months.
  • Column 6 is the pass total (i.e., all satellites) during the past 12 months.
  • Column 7 is the LEO NP total during the past 12 months.
  • Column 8 is the LAGEOS NP total during the past 12 months.
  • Column 9 is the high satellite NP total during the past 12 months.
  • Column 10 is the NP total (i.e., all satellites) during the past 12 months.
  • Column 11 is the total tracking minutes (i.e., all satellites) during the past 12 months. This is computed by the summation of the number of normal points multiplied by its bin size in minutes.
  • Column 12 is the average single-shot calibration RMS, in millimeters, during the last quarter.
  • Column 13 is the average single-shot Starlette RMS, in millimeters, during the last quarter.
  • Column 14 is the average single-shot LAGEOS RMS, in millimeters, during the last quarter.

The first entry in each table is for the performance baseline goal. Note: There are no baseline goals for NP data quantities, single shot RMS's.

Additional Notes: Blanks in any columns implies either that there was no data or that there was insufficient data. Only stations that have supplied data within the last year are included in the table. The table is sorted in descending order by total passes.

Table 1

Site Information
Data Volume
Data Quality
Column 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Location Station
LEO pass
pass Tot
High pass
NP Total
High NP
Minutes of
Baseline 1000 400 100 1500
Yarragadee 7090 11630 2208 2874 16712 204508 25117 18939 248564 203706 6.2 8.0 9.4
Zimmerwald_532 7810 7731 1514 3018 12263 145601 23856 21418 190875 195382 5.5 9.0 11.4
Mount_Stromlo_2 7825 5945 1045 462 7452 62313 9384 2230 73927 51375 3.8 5.3 7.3
Matera_MLRO 7941 4470 1306 1353 7129 66563 15437 11217 93217 108518 1.3 3.2 5.4
Graz 7839 4921 758 1319 6998 96043 8590 9012 113645 88847 2.3 4.3 5.1
Changchun 7237 5567 527 665 6759 60787 3934 3272 67993 42206 7.7 11.7 15.4
Wettzell 8834 3951 882 797 5630 49870 7694 4181 61745 52825 8.0 10.8 13.9
Herstmonceux 7840 3416 665 1335 5416 54148 8172 4983 67303 56244 6.9 11.9 14.8
Monument_Peak 7110 3213 671 555 4439 57876 7423 3413 68712 48953 5.7 25.1 14.9
San_Juan 7406 2513 566 655 3734 36533 6915 5131 48579 50236 5.8 10.2 10.4
Hartebeesthoek 7501 2484 627 403 3514 37985 7284 3056 48325 41649 6.2 11.6 12.1
Greenbelt 7105 2902 314 231 3447 56028 3078 1451 60557 29467 4.9 9.2 10.8
Shanghai_2 7821 2041 298 500 2839 21243 1835 3185 26263 25987 4.7 11.5 11.7
Arequipa 7403 2183 166   2349 29847 1275   31122 12305 5.2 9.9 8.0
Grasse_MEO 7845 962 580 691 2233 32737 6808 3104 42649 37523 6.5 16.7 15.0
Concepcion_847 7405 1305 521 102 1928 18144 7409 707 26260 24768 8.4 18.7 25.0
Concepcion 7405 25     25 143     143 62      
McDonald 7080 1252 419 231 1902 12574 3485 854 16913 15365 9.7 11.6 13.4
Katzively 1893 1416 195 197 1808 20696 1596 1445 23737 16811 34.7 86.6 40.9
Haleakala 7119 1335 385   1720 21104 4474   25578 15538 4.1 8.9 11.3
San_Fernando 7824 1537 161 18 1716 19678 837 56 20571 8046 5.7 11.7 16.6
Riga 1884 1531 145 5 1681 31014 1624 36 32674 11537 7.4 12.1 12.1
Potsdam_3 7841 1377 198 77 1652 31882 2417 705 35004 16819 8.3 12.2 14.8
Simosato 7838 1100 419 79 1598 26919 8425 711 36055 29701 5.1 7.8 10.0
Simeiz 1873 1155 291 6 1452 15767 2331 37 18135 9685   43.5 45.7
Kiev 1824 724 111 71 906 5716 542 209 6467 3926 11.1 22.2 22.2
Koganei 7308 527 184 194 905 11281 2848 1870 15999 18554 8.1   13.3
Altay 1879 202 211 449 862 2226 1413 2068 5707 13946     31.6
Papeete 7124 571 185   756 10189 2620   12809 8402 4.1 8.0 9.3
Beijing 7249 626 66 20 712 8134 489 148 8771 4194      
Tanegashima 7358 373 82 76 531 5499 992 743 7234 7311 3.9 3.7 4.7
Komsomolsk 1868 59 119 277 455 467 774 1207 2448 7808     36.2
Koganei 7328 128 34   162 1863 373   2236 1318      
FTLRS_Tahiti 7822 67 29   96 1213 268   1481 960 4.0 11.3 15.2



Below are the detailed descriptions of each column in Table 1 L:

  • the first column, L1, is the station location name.
  • the second column, L2, is the monument marker number.
  • the third column, L3, is the number of nights during the past 12 months in which there were Lunar ranging measurements
  • the fourth column, L4, is the number of Lunar Laser Ranging normal points during the past 12 months
  • the fifth column, L5, is the number of Lunar Laser Ranging normal points during the past 3 months
  • the sixth column, L6, is the average Lunar Laser Ranging normal points rms 3 months in mm


Table 1 L

Site Information
Data Information
Column L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
Location Station
num nights tracking
last 12 mon
num npt
last 12 mon
num npts
last 3 mon
ave npt rms
last 3 mon
Grasse_MEO 7845 14 70    
McDonald 7080 27 43 9 34.4
Matera_MLRO 7941 3 6    



Below are the detailed descriptions of each column in Table 2:

  • the first column is the station location name.
  • the second column is the monument marker number.
  • following columns are in grouped by analysis center with four columns for each
    • the first AC column is the average LAGEOS normal point RMS, in millimeters, during the last quarter
    • the second AC column is the measure of short term bias stability, in millimeters, during the last quarter. The short term stability is computed as the standard deviation about the mean of the pass-by-pass range biases (minimum number of passes in quarter is 10)
    • the third AC column is the measure of long term bias stability, in millimeters, during the past year. The long term stability is the standard deviation of the monthly range bias estimates. A station must have tracked LAGEOS (1,2) in at least 8 of the last 12 months in order to compute this metric.
    • the fourth AC column is the percentage of LAGEOS normal points that were accepted in the analysis.

The first entry in each table is for the performance baseline goal.

Additional Notes: Blanks in any columns implies either that there was no data or that there was insufficient data. Only stations that have supplied data within the last year are included in the table. The table is sorted in descending order by total data volume.


Table 2

Site Information DGFI Orbital Analysis Hitotsubashi Univ.
Orbital Analysis
Orbital Analysis
MCC Orbital Analysis SHAO Orbital Analysis
Baseline 10.0 20.0 20.0 95 10.0 20.0 20.0 95 10.0 20.0 20.0 95 10.0 20.0 20.0 95 10.0 20.0 20.0 95
Yarragadee 7090 3.9 20.1 2.6 100.0 2.1 9.5 4.4 100.0 4.7 28.7 3.7 99.0 2.6 17.4 2.3 98.1 1.9 12.4 3.1 95.5
Zimmerwald_532 7810 2.8 18.1 8.2 99.8 1.3 5.9 5.4 99.9 3.2 22.2 7.7 99.3 2.3 11.1 2.7 98.5 1.4 10.7 2.7 95.9
Mount_Stromlo_2 7825 7.7 21.1 5.8 96.5 6.0 15.0 4.3 98.5 4.4 26.3 5.4 88.5 4.9 16.5 3.9 89.3 4.7 14.6 3.1 92.2
Matera_MLRO 7941 3.3 21.5 2.2 99.5 1.9 8.5 4.9 99.7 3.8 28.5 4.6 97.9 2.6 17.3 4.7 98.5 2.4 29.2 4.9 97.1
Graz 7839 2.1 17.8 3.9 100.0 0.9 6.0 6.0 100.0 2.5 25.4 5.5 97.0 1.9 13.5 2.3 97.9 0.9 12.9 3.2 96.7
Changchun 7237 5.0 30.4 11.9 99.0 2.6 19.3 8.9 100.0 4.7 20.7 5.3 92.3 3.9 33.7 14.8 97.7 2.6 29.4 17.4 95.8
Wettzell 8834 2.8 18.4 12.5 99.9 1.9 9.5 11.2 99.7 2.7 24.0 10.2 99.2 2.5 11.9 8.7 98.2 1.3 14.3 5.0 96.4
Herstmonceux 7840 3.3 19.0 5.7 99.9 1.8 5.5 4.7 100.0 2.6 18.4 5.8 100.0 2.7 11.9 2.2 98.7 1.9 13.5 3.8 95.4
Monument_Peak 7110 5.1 21.6 7.2 100.0 2.2 16.3 2.4 100.0 5.3 27.4 4.3 97.8 2.5 20.2 5.1 97.4 2.4 15.4 3.4 96.7
San_Juan 7406 8.4 27.6 33.1 99.9 4.2 23.8 30.3 99.5 6.8 33.5 28.8 76.9 6.0 23.5 6.0 95.0 6.2 23.3 8.6 95.0
Hartebeesthoek 7501 4.0 19.2 7.7 99.9 2.2 11.3 4.0 99.9 4.7 28.0 7.3 97.3 2.3 18.5 8.4 98.0 2.6 19.4   97.2
Greenbelt 7105 5.5 22.9 4.6 99.7 2.6 10.4 3.6 99.6 4.8 21.1 13.8 97.7 3.0 15.3 5.9 95.1 2.6 14.3 3.3 95.0
Shanghai_2 7821 7.5 39.7 38.4 98.9 4.6 26.5   100.0         7.3 33.1 15.4 100.0 3.9 17.3 19.6 97.9
Arequipa 7403 4.9 22.9 16.0 99.9 1.9 16.9 18.1 99.9 4.9 24.9 8.8 96.4 2.7 21.5   95.5 1.6 23.6 13.7 96.3
Grasse_MEO 7845 5.2 21.9 5.3 99.5 3.5 19.7 8.2 99.8 4.4 22.4 6.1 99.1 3.4 29.2 10.9 97.2 2.3 16.4 3.1 94.8
Concepcion_847 7405 4.3 27.7 6.8 92.1 3.4 19.2 7.1 100.0         3.5 17.5 22.4 100.0        
McDonald 7080 3.6 23.4 10.8 99.5 3.2 12.7 3.3 100.0 5.2 25.2 6.3 97.6 3.5 21.5 9.2 96.6 2.6 15.0 4.0 94.5
Katzively 1893 12.9 21.3 27.9 99.0 10.0 19.4   98.5 9.3 25.8 42.5 86.7 10.3 21.1 17.4 90.7 9.2 19.1 14.9 95.6
Haleakala 7119 4.2 21.0 3.6 99.7 2.2 9.7 4.4 99.9 4.7 30.6 6.4 96.6 3.2 23.2 7.2 99.6 4.8 27.6   95.3
San_Fernando 7824 4.5 25.3 15.8 100.0 3.4 13.6 18.8 100.0 4.4 20.8   98.6 4.5 16.1 14.5 99.7 4.5 27.7   97.5
Riga 1884 13.7 20.3 30.2 98.4 9.3 15.5 29.6 100.0 10.5 23.2 28.9 78.5 9.1 12.6 20.9 90.1 8.9 13.6   94.3
Potsdam_3 7841 3.9 9.7 8.8 100.0                 2.2 5.9 7.0 97.1        
Simosato 7838 6.6 23.2 13.7 99.9 3.0 15.7 9.1 99.9 5.9 23.9 13.5 97.9 5.1 22.6 14.6 98.7 4.9 14.6   96.0
Simeiz 1873 57.3 54.1 12.9 83.3 69.5 46.8   97.2 0.5 15.9 1.5 7.2 54.0 50.7 21.8 83.4 28.1 29.6   61.9
Kiev 1824 20.7 31.8 20.8 93.4 10.8 30.8 28.7 93.6 7.2 37.6 15.8 75.6 19.8 36.6 32.6 92.8        
Koganei 7308         3.1 53.9 26.4 100.0                        
Altay 1879 16.9 53.1 27.4 93.1                 4.6 20.1 11.6 97.8        
Papeete 7124 3.3 14.9 5.8 100.0 1.9 11.4 10.7 100.0 4.7 26.2 11.7 99.0 253.8 25.2 8.0 99.3 4.6 20.3   97.8
Komsomolsk 1868 15.7 62.6 33.6 97.4 8.0 45.6 42.3 98.4         6.7 41.3 16.2 91.8        
FTLRS_Tahiti 7822 5.3 23.6   99.5