Prediction Format Study Group
Wednesday 9 April 2003
10:30 - 12:30 am
- Membership
- Presentation of Format to full ILRS
- 4 sets of responses, so far
- Normalpoint tests - Werner Gurtner
- Sample code status
- Status
- Satellites
- Moon
- Transponders
- Role in implementation
- Review/Discussion of format changes
- Tracking restriction fields
- What next?
- Evaluate comments and post updated format document
- Work on sample code
- Create working version for all target types
- Make first release of sample code to RGO, EOS
- Document algorithms to convert predictions into point angles
and ranges
- Start 'C' version of sample code (EOS)
- produce metrics for prediction accuracy
- Is it time for field tests?
- Transponders - ? - 2004