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SLR Related Publications for 2015

Arnold, D. A., Nominal SARAL Transfer Function, NASA/TM–2015-217533, Editor: Lemoine, F., July, 2015

Bloßfeld M., Müller H., Gerstl M., Štefka V., Boumann J., Göttl F., Horwath M., (2015). Second-degree Stokes coefficients from multi-satellite SLR, J. Geodesy, 89, 857–871, doi:

Boucher, C., Pearlman, M.P., Sarti, P. (2015). "Global geodetic observatories", Adv. Space Res., 55, 24-49, DOI: 10.1016/j.asr.2014.10.011.

Ciufolini, I., Paolozzi, A., Pavlis, E.C., Koenig, R., Ries, J., Gurzadyan, V., Matzner, R., Penrose, R., Sindoni, G., Paris, C., Preliminary orbital analysis of the LARES space experiment, Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2015) 130: 133, DOI:

Ciufolini, I., A. Paolozzi, E. C. Pavlis, A. Gabrielli, C. Paris, G. Sindoni, (2015), "Improvement Of The Measurement Of Frame-Dragging By The Future Lares 2 Mission", Proceedings of the 66th International Astronautical Congress 2015, 12 - 16 October 2015, Jerusalem, Israel, paper IAC-15.A2.1.8.

Esselborn, S., Schöne, T., Rudenko, S. (2015) Impact of time variable gravity on annual sea level variability from altimetry. In: Rizos C., Willis P. (Eds.) IAG 150 Years. International Association of Geodesy Symposia, vol. 143, Springer Cham, pp. 55-62, DOI: 10.1007/1345_2015_103.

Glaser S., Fritsche M., Sośnica K., Rodríguez-Solano C. J., Wang K., Dach R., Hugentobler U., Rothacher M., Dietrich R., A consistent combination of GNSS and SLR with minimum constraints, Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 89 No. 12, Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 1165-1180, DOI:

Guo J., Zhao Q.L. and Guo X. et al. (2015). "Quality assessment of onboard GPS receiver and its combination with DORIS and SLR for Haiyang 2A precise orbit determination", Science China-Earth Sciences, 58(1), 138-150, doi: 10.1007/s11430-014-4943-z

Johnson, Nathan Harwood. (2015). High-Precision Lunar Ranging and Gravitational Parameter Estimation With the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser- ranging Operation. UC San Diego. ProQuest ID: Johnson_ucsd_0033D_15109. Merritt ID: ark:/20775/bb91486250. Retrieved from

Kucharski D., Kirchner G., Otsubo T., Koidl F., (2015). A method to calculate zero signature satellite laser ranging normal points for millimeter geodesy—a case study with Ajisai. Earth Planets & Space, 67:34. doi:

Lucchesi, D.M., Anselmo, L., Bassan, M., Pardini, C., Peron, R., Pucacco, G., and Visco, M., Testing the gravitational interaction in the field of the Earth via Satellite Laser Ranging and the LAser RAnged Satellites Experiment (LARASE), Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 155012, doi: 10.1088/0264-9381/32/15/155012

Lucchesi, D.M., Peron, R., Visco, M., Anselmo, L., Pardini, C., Bassan, M., Pucacco, G., Fundamental physics in the Field of the Earth with the LAser RAnged Satellites Experiment (LARASE), Metrology for Aerospace (MetroAeroSpace), 2015 IEEE, 71-76, doi:

Matsumoto K., Yamada R., Kikuchi F., Kamata S., Ishihara Y., Iwata T., Hanada H., Sasaki S., (2015). Internal structure of the Moon inferred from Apollo seismic data and selenodetic data from GRAIL and LLR, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(18), 7351–7358, doi:

Montenbruck, O., Schmid, R., Mercier, F., Steigenberger, P., Noll, C., Fatkulin, R., Kogure, S., Ganeshan, A.S., GNSS satellite geometry and attitude models, Advances in Space Research, DOI:, June, 2015.

Nastula J., and Gross R. (2015), "Chandler wobble parameters from SLR and GRACE", J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 4474–4483, doi:10.1002/2014JB011825

Nguyen P.H., Matzner, R. (2015). "Modelling LARES temperature distribution and thermal drag". Eur. Phys. J. Plus 130, 206, doi:10.1140/epjp/i2015-15206-2.

Noll, C., Michael, P., Pollack, N., Recent Developments at the CDDIS in Support of GGOS, presented at Fall 2015 AGU meeting, December, 2015, Abstract No, G43A-1023.

Nothnagel, A.; International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS); 2015: The IVS data input to ITRF2014. International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, GFZ Data Services.

Otsubo, T., Sherwood, R., Appleby, G., Neubert, R., "Center-of-mass corrections for sub-cm-precision laser-ranging targets: Starlette, Stella and LARES", J Geodesy, 89: 303. doi:10.1007/s00190-014-0776-y, 2015.

Pavlis, E. C., I. Ciufolini, A. Paolozzi, C. Paris, and G. Sindoni, (2015) "Quality assessment of LARES satellite ranging data", Proceedings of 2nd Inter. IEEE Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, 4-5 June, 2015, Benevento, Italy, (

Pavlis, E. C., A. Paolozzi, I. Ciufolini, C. Paris, G. Sindoni and A. Gabrielli, (2015) "Use of LARES Satellite Data for Earth Science", 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIDAA2015, Politecnico di Torino, 17-19 November 2015, E. Carrera, M. Cinefra, A. Pagani, M. Petrolo and E. Zappino (Eds.),

Pavlis, E. C., G. Sindoni, Ciufolini, I. and A. Paolozzi, (2015) "Contribution of LARES and geodetic satellites on Environmental monitoring", Proceedings of 15th Inter. Conf. on Environment and Electrical Engineering, 10-13 June, 2015, Rome, Italy, (

Seitz M.: Comparison of different combination strategies applied for the computation of terrestrial reference frames and geodetic parameter series. In: Kutterer H., Seitz F., Alkhatib H., Schmidt M. (Eds.) The 1st International Workshop on the Quality of Geodetic Observation and Monitoring Systems (QuGOMS'11), IAG Symposia 140: 57-64,, 2015.

Seitz M., Angermann D., Gerstl M., Bloßfeld M., Sánchez L., Seitz F.: Geometrical Reference Systems. In: Freeden W., Nashed M.Z., Sonar T. (Eds.) Handbook of Geomathematics (Second Edition), Springer, pp 2995-3034, 2995-3034,, 2015.

Sindoni, G., E.C. Pavlis, I. Ciufolini (2015) "Orbital Data Analysis on LARES Satellite", 23rd Conference of the Italian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics AIDAA2015, Politecnico di Torino, 17-19 November 2015, E. Carrera, M. Cinefra, A. Pagani, M. Petrolo and E. Zappino (Eds.).

Sindoni, G., C. Paris, C. Vendittozzi, E. C. Pavlis, I. Ciufolini and A. Paolozzi, (2015) "The Contribution of LARES to Global Climate Change Studies With Geodetic Satellites", ASME 2015 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 2, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, September 21–23, 2015, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5730-4. (

Sindoni, G., E. C. Pavlis, C. Paris, A. Paolozzi and I. Ciufolini, (2015) "Orbital Predictions for the LARES Satellite Mission", Proceedings of 2nd Inter. IEEE Workshop on Metrology for Aerospace, 4-5 June, 2015, Benevento, Italy, DOI:(

Sindoni, G. and E. C. Pavlis, (2015) "LARES Mission Operations", Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Aerospace Conference, 7-14 March, 2015, Big Sky, Montana, USA, ISBN 978-1-4799-5380-6, (

Sośnica K., Impact of the Atmospheric Drag on Starlette, Stella, Ajisai and Lares Orbits, Artificial Satellites, Journal of Planetary Geodesy, Vol. 50 No. 1, Warsaw, Poland; Oldenburg, Germany, 2015, pp. 1-18, DOI:

Sośnica K., LAGEOS Sensitivity to Ocean Tides, Acta Geophysica, Vol. 63 No. 4, 2015, pp. 1181-1203, DOI:

Sośnica K., Jäggi A., Meyer U., Thaller D., Beutler G., Arnold D., Dach R., Time variable Earth's gravity field from SLR satellites, Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 89 No. 10, Berlin Heidelberg, 2015, pp. 945-960, DOI:

Sośnica K., Thaller D., Dach R., Steigenberger P., Beutler G., Arnold D., Jäggi A., Satellite laser ranging to GPS and GLONASS, Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 89 No. 7, Berlin Heidelberg 2015, pp. 725-743, DOI:

Williams J.G., Boggs D.H., (2015). Tides on the Moon: Theory and determination of dissipation, J. Geophys. Res. (Planets), 120(4), 689–724, doi: