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SLR Related Publications for 2014

Alothman, A. O., S. Schillak, Recent Results for the Arabian Plate Motion Using Satellite Laser Ranging Observations of Riyadh SLR Station to LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 Satellites, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 217-226, Jan 2014

Biswas, A., J. M. Kovalik, M. W. Wright, W. T. Roberts, Optical Communications Telescope Laboratory (OCTL) support of space to ground link demonstrations, SpaceOps 2014 13th International Conference on Space Operations, Pasadena, California, May 5-9, 2014

Bloßfeld M., Gerstl M., Hugentobler U., Angermann D., Müller H.: Systematic effects in LOD from SLR observations. Advances in Space Research, 54(6), 1049-1063,, 2014

Bloßfeld M., Seitz M., Angermann D.: Non-linear station motions in epoch and multi-year reference frames. Journal of Geodesy 88(1), 45-63,, 2014

Bloßfeld M., Stefka V., Müller H., Gerstl M.: Consistent estimation of Earth rotation, geometry and gravity with DGFI's multi-satellite solution. Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, 13-0113, 2014.

Folkner W.M., Williams J.G., Boggs D.H., et al., (2014). The planetary and lunar ephemerides DE430 and DE431, IPN Progress Report 42-196, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California

Fritsche, M., K. Sośnica, C. Rodriguez-Solano, P. Steigenberger, R. Dietrich, R. Dach, K. Wang, U. Hugentobler, M. Rothacher, Homogeneous reprocessing of GPS, GLONASS and SLR observations, Journal of Geodesy, vol. 88(7), pp. 625-642, 2014, DOI:

Hase, H. Pedreros F. (2014). "The most remote point method for the site selection of the future GGOS network", J. Geodesy, 88(10), 989-1006, DOI: 10.1007/s00190-014-0731-y

Hobiger, T., T. Otsubo, M. Sekido, Observation level combination of SLR and VLBI with c5++: A case study for TIGO, Advances in Space Research, 53, 119-129, 10.1016/j.asr.2013.10.004, 2014.

Iorio, L., Commentary to "LARES successfully launched in orbit: Satellite and mission description" by A. Paolozzi and I. Ciufolini, Acta Astronautica, Volume: 95, Pages: 174-175, DOI:, Feb-Mar, 2014.

Kucharski D., Lim H.-C., Kirchner G., Koidl F. (2014). Spin parameters of Low Earth Orbiting satellites Larets and Stella determined from Satellite Laser Ranging data. Advances in Space Research, 53(1), 90-96.

Kucharski D., Kirchner G., Lim H.-C., Koidl F. (2014). Spin parameters of High Earth Orbiting satellites Etalon-1 and Etalon-2 determined from kHz Satellite Laser Ranging data. Advances in Space Research, 54 (11), 2309-2317.

Kucharski D., Lim H.-C., Kirchner G., Otsubo T., Bianco G., Hwang J.-Y. (2014). Spin axis precession of LARES measured by Satellite Laser Ranging. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 11(3), 646-650.

Kucharski D., Kirchner G., Koidl F., et al. (2014). Attitude and spin period of space debris Envisat measured by Satellite Laser Ranging. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 52(12), 7651-7657.

Lucchesi, D.M., R. Peron, LAGEOS II pericenter general relativistic precession (1993-2005): Error budget and constraints in gravitational physics, Physical Review D, Vol. 89, Issue: 8, Article Number: 082002, DOI:, April 7, 2014.

Luceri, V., E. C. Pavlis, B. Pace, D. König, M. Kuzmicz-Cieslak, and G. Bianco, (2014), "Overview of the ILRS contribution to the development of ITRF2013", IAG Geodesy Symposia, Proceedings of REFAG2014, T. van Dam (Ed.), Springer.

Michael, P., C. Noll, J. Roark, CDDIS Near Real Time Data for Geodesy Based Applications, Abstract IN43C-3709.

Müller, J., Biskupek, L., Hofmann, F., Mai, E.: Lunar Laser Ranging and Relativity. Book chapter in "Frontiers of Relativistic Celestial Mechanics", vol. 2 (ed. by S. Kopeikin), de Gruyter, p. 99-146, 2014.

Müller H., Bloßfeld M.: Quality and possible improvements of the official ILRS products. Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Laser Ranging, 13-0202, 2014.

Murphy T.W., McMillan R.G., Johnson N.H. Goodrow S.D., (2014). Lunar eclipse observations reveal anomalous thermal performance of Apollo reflectors, Icarus, 231, 183–192, doi:

Noll, C. , B. Michael, N. Pollack, Recent Developments in Space Geodesy Data Discovery at the CDDIS, Abstract IN11C-3623.

Pavlis, E. C., V. Luceri, M. Kuzmicz-Cieslak, D. König, and G. Bianco, (2014), "Modeling improvements in the ILRS reprocessing for ITRF2013", presented at the IAG Geodesy Symposium REFAG2014, 12-17 October, 2014, Luxembourg, (

Peron, R., Testing general relativistic predictions with the LAGEOS satellites, Advances in High Energy Physics, vol. 2014, 791367, doi: 10.1155/2014/791367

Rudenko, S., Dettmering, D., Esselborn, S., Schöne, T., Förste, Ch., Lemoine, J.-M., Ablain, M., Alexandre, D., Neumayer, K.-H. (2014): Influence of time variable geopotential models on precise orbits of altimetry satellites, global and regional mean sea level trends, Advances in Space Research, 54(1):92-118, DOI:

Seitz M., Steigenberger P., Artz T.: Consistent adjustment of combined terrestrial and celestial reference frames. In: Rizos C., Willis P. (Eds.) Earth on the Edge: Science for a Sustainable Planet, IAG Symposia 139: 215-221, Springer,, 2014.

Sośnica K.; Determination of Precise Satellite Orbits and Geodetic Parameters using Satellite Laser Ranging, Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2014, ISBN: 8393889804, 9788393889808

Sośnica, K., A. Jäggi, D. Thaller, G. Beutler, R. Dach, Contribution of Starlette, Stella, and AJISAI to the SLR-derived global reference frame, Journal of Geodesy, vol. 88(8), pp. 789-804, 2014, DOI:

Thompson R., Peterson G.E., Mcvey J.P. et al. (2014). "Blits: A forensic analysis of a probable collision" in Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, vol. 150 (Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Hilton Head, South Carolina, Aug. 11-15, 2013), pp. 2991-3009, Univelt, San Diego, California.

Vasilyev M.V., Yagudina E.I., (2014), Russian Lunar Ephemeris EPM-ERA 2012, Solar System Research, 48(2), 158–165, doi:

Williams J.G., Turyshev S.G., and Boggs D.H. (2014). "The past and present Earth-Moon system: the speed of light stays steady as tides evolve", Planetary Science, 3(2), doi: 10.1186/s13535-014-0002-5.

Williams J.G., Konopliv A.S., Boggs D.H., et al., (2014). Lunar interior properties from the GRAIL mission, J. Geophys. Res. (Planets), 119(7), 1546-1578, doi: