2000 ILRS Annual Report

International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) 2000 Annual Report (NASA/TP-20001-209987)
Edited by M. Pearlman and M. Torrence

The 2000 Annual Report of the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS) is comprised of individual contributions from ILRS components within the international geodetic community. The report documents the work of the ILRS components for the calendar year 2000.

The first section of the Annual Report contains general information about the ILRS, it1s mission, structure and Governing Board. Professor Gerhard Beutler1s introductory remarks and the ILRS Chairman1s report give a brief background and history of the ILRS and an overview of its organization.

Sections 4, 5 and 6 include Network, Operation Center and Data Center Reports. These sections provide the status of the data chain from the point of SLR data acquisition through archiving.



  • Governing Board Report, provides an overview of the ILRS, a brief history of its origin and establishment, the contributions that it provides to the scientific community, its interface with other organizations and a view on future prospects.
  • Central Bureau Report, provides reports on the current status of Central Bureau activities, mission priorities, network campaigns, upcoming missions, the ILRS website, Network performance evaluations and a report from the ILRS Science Coordinator.
  • Working Group Reports, including accomplishments during the last year, and activities underway, as well as those planned for next year. The Working Groups have originated and developed many standards and procedures that have been implemented by the ILRS.
  • Network Reports
  • Operations Center Reports
  • Data Center Reports
  • Analysis Center Reports, includes the Reports for the SLR Analysis and Associate Analysis Centers, as well as the LLR Analysis Centers. These reports include information on the data products generated by each, their computational capabilities and facilities, their personnel and their future plans.
  • ILRS Information, provides ILRS reference material: the Terms of Reference, a list of institutions contributing to this Annual Report, the list of ILRS Associate Members, a complete list of the ILRS components and a list of Acronyms.


Available Files

Section PDF size - KB
Front Cover 3100
Inside front cover to section 1 2942
Section 1 - Governing Board Report 360
Section 2 - Central Bureau Report 296
Section 3 - Working Group Reports 367
Section 4 - Network Reports 346
Section 5 - Operations Center Reports 235
Section 6 - Data Center Reports 346
Section 7 - Analysis Center Reports 1527
Section 8 - ILRS Information 1329
Back Cover 1253