Summaries are available for the workshop as well as the following sessions:
- Session 0: Opening Session and Keynote AddressSummary
- Session 01: SLR Contribution to Global Geodetic Observing System – A 2020 PerspectiveSlides | Summary
- Session 02: Improvements in the SLR Product Quality & Precise Orbit DeterminationSlides | Summary
- Session 03: Satellite Missions & Techniques for Geodetic ApplicationsSlides | Summary
- Session 04: Network Operations & Site UpgradesSlides | Summary
- Session 05: Sources of Systematic ErrorsSlides | Summary
- Session 06: Characteristics of Retroreflector ArraysSlides | Summary
- Session 07: Developments in Software & AutomationSlides | Summary
- Session 08: Developments in SLR Techniques & TechnologiesSlides | Summary
- Session 09: Lunar Laser Ranging & Deep Space MissionsSlides | Summary
- Clinic Sessions:Summary
- Closing Session:Workshop Resolutions
Standing Committee/Governing Board Reports:
- Analysis Standing Committee - Agenda | Minutes | Presentations | Summary
- Data Formats and Procedures Standing Committee - Agenda | Minutes | Summary
- Governing Board - Agenda | Slides | Minutes
- Missions Standing Committee - Agenda | Slides | Minutes | Summary
- Networks and Engineering Standing Committee - Slides | Summary
- Software Study Group - Summary
- Space Debris Study Group - Summary
- Transponder Standing Committee - Slides