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13th International Laser Ranging Workshop
"Toward Millimeter Accuracy"

Submitted Abstracts
Station Operational Issues (W. Gurtner and V. Husson)

Title Primary Author
Creating a Consolidated Laser Ranging Prediction Format Randy Ricklefs

McDonald Observatory
University of Texas C1400
Austin, TX 78712
Voice: 512-471-1342
Fax: 512-471-6016

ILRS Prediction Format Working Group

Historically, satellite laser ranging, lunar laser ranging, and the few transponder laser ranging experiments have each used their own prediction techniques and formats. With the possibility of many stations being able to range lunar and Mars transponders beginning in the next few years, the prediction format and procedures need to be consolidated and standardized. To this end the Prediction Format Study Group was formed two years ago.

To date, a preliminary format has been produced which consists of state vectors and ancillary data separated in time by some optimal target-dependent amount. These are then interpolated with supplied software to produce range and point angles corrected for light-time and planetary aberrations and relativistic effects.

Experiments are in progress to help finalize the format and algorithms. These include development of an interpolator that will handle variable time separations for the state vectors and experiments with optimal order of interpolation and spacing in time. Development is starting on sample software that can be used at the laser sites to read and interpolate the new format.

The goal is to have this format used in the field by the time of a proposed transponder experiment in 2004.

Oral presentation; received August 21, 2002

Operational Issues from an ILRS Central Bureau Perspective Van Husson

7515 Mission Drive
Lanham, MD 20706
Voice: 301-805-3981
Fax: 301-805-3974

Three historical weaknesses of SLR, relative to the other space geodetic techniques, are temporal and spatial coverage outages, data latency, and the diversity in the performance of individual sites. The ILRS has done much to improve upon these weaknesses the past several years, but more improvement is needed to achieve mm level accuracy.

The ILRS CB will discuss today's station operational issues and recommendations for improvement in the areas of data quantity, data quality, and ILRS compliance.

Oral paper; received August 23, 2002

Operational Issues from the Stations Werner Gurtner

Astronomical Institute
University of Bern
Sidlerstrasse 5
CH-3012 Bern
Voice: 0041 31 6318591
Fax: 0041 31 6313869

Prior to the workshop the ILRS stations have been asked for the factors limiting their performance (both internal ones as well as factors imposed from the network), any factors that significantly improved the performance in recent months or years, and for possible improvements of the network operations. The paper will summarize the answers to this poll.

Oral paper; received August 29, 2002

Operational Issues from the viewpoint of SLR data analyses Graham Appleby

NERC Space Geodesy Facility
Monks Wood
Abbots Ripton, Huntingdon
Voice: +44 (0) 1487 772477
Fax: +44 (0) 1487 773467

SLR observations address a variety of scientific investigations, sometimes directly, sometimes in conjunction with other tracking data. In an attempt to feedback to the operational stations the diverse and sometimes conflicting requirements of data analysts, the views of those analysts were sought prior to the workshop on a variety of issues. This paper will summarize the responses and raise questions to prompt further discussion.

Oral paper; received September 23, 2002



Content Owner and Webmaster: Carey Noll
Responsible NASA Official: Ed Masuoka
Last Updated: September 23, 2002



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