McDonald Observatory
University of Texas C1400
Austin, TX 78712
Voice: 512-471-1342
Fax: 512-471-6016
ILRS Prediction Format Working Group
Historically, satellite laser ranging, lunar laser ranging, and
the few transponder laser ranging experiments have each used their
own prediction techniques and formats. With the possibility of
many stations being able to range lunar and Mars transponders
beginning in the next few years, the prediction format and procedures
need to be consolidated and standardized. To this end the Prediction
Format Study Group was formed two years ago.
To date, a preliminary format has been produced which consists
of state vectors and ancillary data separated in time by some
optimal target-dependent amount. These are then interpolated with
supplied software to produce range and point angles corrected
for light-time and planetary aberrations and relativistic effects.
Experiments are in progress to help finalize the format and
algorithms. These include development of an interpolator that
will handle variable time separations for the state vectors and
experiments with optimal order of interpolation and spacing in
time. Development is starting on sample software that can be used
at the laser sites to read and interpolate the new format.
The goal is to have this format used in the field by the time
of a proposed transponder experiment in 2004.
Oral presentation; received August 21, 2002